October Second, Two-Thousand Fifteen
Google 20 is a project where you spend 20 percent of work time on a product that will benefit the "company" or in this case classroom. Our final product goal is to make a turn based strategy RPG. We would be creating a storyline, game mechanics, and a semi open world to explore. For combat, we would have a grid based area where you control unit's movement and attacks. We would be making our own sprites and terrain as well as character design and spells. Overall, it'll be an inspiration coming from many games that we have experienced. We chose this project because we enjoy playing games ourselves, and thought that creating one for ourselves would be a fun experience. I hope to learn how some game mechanics work, such as stats, movement, varying abilities, and piecing everything together. To complete our project, we need to basically know how the game will play and how it will all translate to code. We need to know that so everything is balanced and it will actually work. We will probably learn most of it from the internet, using videos and code examples, from each other, and from trial and error. I think most of the project will be a challenge, especially starting from nothing.
October Ninth, Two-Thousand Fifteen
During this google 20 work session, I did a little bit of research on sprites and I have started created multiple sprites for one character. Including, a standing sprite, and sprites for walking down and left or right. Using these sprites as a base, creating sprites for every other character who has a similar body size, or clothing type should be a lot easier. I also did some resizing once we figured out that the sprites may be too small, and were blurry when enlarged on the program itself.
October Twenty Third, Two-Thousand Fifteen
During this session, I completed the walking sprites for the first charcter, and have started working on both a new character, as well as certain icons that we may use throughout the game to indicate certain events or actions. Again, I did a bit of research for insipration and ways to do walking in certain directions, which was tricky to figure out at first, but eventually I think I got it.
October Thirtieth, Two-Thousand Fifteen
On this work period, I started work on a couple of new sprites. Since I already had a pretty solid basis for general charaters, I used that to start work on a goblin and skeleton. Using inspiration, memory, and general ideas, I was able to create a base sprite for those two enemies. Soon I should be able to create walking animations. Later I plan to make possibly 2 frame idle animations.
November Fifth, Two-Thousand Fifteen
Today, I basically just continued creating some enemy sprites, more specifically the goblin. Here is an image of the goblin I made, after a little while working on the goblin, I went back and made some small edits to the first spirte's walking facing away from the screens animation, because that looks a little off. And then I easily made a facing away walking animation for the goblin, since the costume is mostly the same front and back.
December Fourth, Two-Thousand Fifteen
This time, we had the past three days to work on Google 20, and I think we got a lot done in class. We started planning on the first area of the game, in terms of dimensions and what will be needed for sprites. Using the list, i was able to nearly finish all the sprites needed for the starting room. Including walls, floor, fences, stairs and weapon rackis/tables.
December Eleventh, Two-Thousand Fifteen
Today, I basically finished up the sprites for the starting arena, which included sprites that needed different "costumes". I just needed to makes stairs and railings that would be able to line up next to each other, or go in different directions/sideways. Then it was just a matter of slight shading and color alteration.