Lab Write Up

Name: Arman Williams

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #8

Lab Overview

This lab focused on finch controls and using blocks. Full lab write up HERE.

My Solution

1a. We just created simple movement options for the finch by turning the wheels in varying rotation speeds, until brought to a stop. We also created a sensor to determine if it is being obstructed.

1b. First we combined moving forward and turning left to create a square, and changed colors for each time the command was inputed. Next we simply created a large if then code snippet that covered every position for the finch, making it say something for each one. Then we used the detection code to make the finch back up if it bumps into something, turn 180 degress, then continue. Finally we combined moving forward and turning the wheels to make a figure 8.

2. We simply had a sprite ask questions for numbers and functions, then had a block for each function to go through and calculate the correct answer.

Calculator project
